For when the birds sing for they sing of love but...
For every beat of a woman heart is the beat for...
For every star that twinkle in your heart thus for...
For your name whisper in the night wind where...
For when the wind whisper once name yet one could...
Yet for what one see is what one feel thus every...
Where there a lovely smile there a beautiful face...
For every beautiful face there is your a gorgeous...
When one for how can one could love for what does...
To watch the stars dance in the night sky is like...
For every star that twinkle is the star of true...
Oh what a lovely day thus for ever rose that one...
For when one see the blue sky thus one feel the...
For every blue sky thus it feel like flying on a...
For every breath thus it feel like true love has...
But yet for every breath that one take and yet one...
For every candle you light thus you light the...
Thus every candle you light is like the night wind...
When one see a cloud for once heart feel the touch...
Where there a heart like a rose for true love has...
For one who's smile is like the beautiful sun...
For every dance for one could hear your heart beat...
Every moon light walk is like seeing a lovely...
For every dance is like a lovely moon light sail...