Gary R Priester

About Gary R Priester

I was born in South Carolina in December 1950.
I have two older brothers and a younger sister. My father was a Navy man from South Carolina and my mother grew up on a farm in South Dakota. My family moved at least once every two years, thanks to the Navy. By the time I was thirteen I had lived in Panama, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Virgina, New York (For less than a month), Washington State and California. I had lived in 15 different houses and attended 7 different elementary schools. After we moved to La Mesa, California I attended one junior high and 2 different high schools. While in HS I worked as a boat building apprentice at Driscol Custon Boats and a mechanic in a lawnmower shop in San Diego. I joined the USCG right out of HS where I was an MK-3, and Search and Rescue Boat Coxswain. After the CG I met and married my wife and became the cartacker at El Cajon Speedway. We lived beside the track for five years and my first two children were born there. I worked as an antique restorer, went to collage and worked in construction. I moved to the Campo
area in San Diego county where my next two children were born. We lived in a 12'x70' mobil home on my brothers property for the next 27 years. I attended Junior collage and became an illustrator at General Dynamics Electronics Division. They insisted I go back to college and promoted me to Factory Engineer, then manufacturing Engineer, Produciibility Engineer and finally Engineering specialist. after GDE I became a Field Service Manager for a law enforcement equipment Co. in Vista California. The job required that I travel all over the US and Canada. After obtaining a teaching credential, again at two different colleges, I am currently a teacher in the Mountain Empire School District. I have been married to the same wonderful woman for 38 years. I have four grown children and three grand children. I started writing poetry in October of 2011 and have found it to be my passion.

Profile of Gary R Priester

  • Age : 64
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, California
  • Joined : Jan 27, 2013
  • Last Visit : 12 years ago
  • Poems : 50
  • Comments : 36
  • Quotes : 2
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Gary R Priester

Latest Quotes By Gary R Priester

  • Don't be prejudice
    Hate everyone equally!

    12 years ago
    0 0
  • Do not fear youe elderly parents passing
    for a parents greatest fear is to outlive their children.

    12 years ago
    0 0

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