Deep in the bowels of a delightful, fairytale...
Sits a little cottage nestled between two weeping...
Fallen from clouds I have yet to caress
Dreaming of the wings I so crave...
Late night laughs
Blow away quick...
The stories told of carriages, fairies, magic,
Princes searching for their princesses...
My goodbye is written in the note on my desk,
Telling my story in details no one knows...
These thoughts that prance around my desolate mind
Try to breathe life into the wilted flowers and...
Fly away, little bird
Join the others in a new life...
When I look into her starlit eyes
Butterflys flutter in my tummy...
Delicate rope swaying
From the tall oak...
My razor long forgotten as I lay crumpled on my...
The bottle of pills empty, my eyes closed...
I put out the fire,
Dousing the embers...
A friendship I cherish more and more
With each passing day...