If you haven't found the balance in Life, you just need to step out of the Middle!"... |
Help everyone in need, because one day your going to need it"... |
You can't see life differently, unless you take another path, with different scenery!... |
Never worry so much about the Little things, because when the Big ones come, you must chew off small pieces!... |
Actions are Louder than a Word, because its seen, not only heard!... |
If God intended on you to live in Misery, You wouldn't be Living here Today!... |
I don't know all things about everything, but I do know everything, about Something's!... |
Being Bipolar is like: Having 2" Souls, but you can only Control one of them, at a time!.... |
Life becomes a lesson from God, So if you don't Listen, So Help you God!... |
Life isn't what you make of it, or who you make of it, Its who made your Life, and what to make of it!... |