God is Somebody, or he is Nobody, Because he Just isn't Nobody, to Somebody!... |
I will never Shove the Bible down any Mans throat, Besides" God don't like you, Choking on his words!.... |
Sometimes you just have to let life flow, But first you have to Let Go!... |
Speak Kindly of yourself, because most aren't so kind, when their not themselves... |
Never open your ears to hear God, open your Heart, Because that's where he will Start. |
Poetry comes from our heart, that's why we don't mind writing it... |
You cannot do your Best, When your thinking about the rest. |
Life isn't hard to figure out, Its adding up all the things you've come up with, to come up with a Figure!.... |
If life is meant to be taken "One day at a time, Why keep adding Days, to your Time?'... |
If Life was meant to be easy, Nothing else would be hard,because what else is there?... |