In LOVE!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hi I'm Skyler (a.k.a. FallenSkyler on here) I'll admit I'm terrible at leaving messages on other avcounts so to quote famous American philospher Mortimer Alder: "Love consists in giving without getting in return; in giving what is not owed, what is not due the other. That's why true love is never based, as associations for utility or pleasure are, on a fair exchange." But here we go it's been 6 months with this lovely woman. I still to this day wonder what she sees in me because when I look in the mirror I don't see much but she sees a lot in me. And I see alot in her where she's a great writer too. Welp I'm gonma go because im not great at these. Love you, Kaitlyn Violette-Barrett |
Abortion (rant)
A child breathing in your arms...
Hi everyone I just wanted you to know that God...
And if you feel like you have strayed from him...
You Mom loves you because you're her son,
Your sisters do because you're their brother...
I look at myself in the mirror, hating every inch...
And no matter how far I reach out my hand you will...
Roses are red and
Violets are blue, I will not...
Https:// |
Im pro life because murder is murder no matter how young the human being is that is being murdered~~~!!!!*** |
"Please at least tell me Y U dont love me anymore :,( so I can stop staying up all night every night waiting for U & wondering why, blaming myself and crying BC I will always love you :,(, BC U touched my heart like no one else could!" |