I shouldn't forgive you
But I'll let it go by...
There's no need to say it
I know you so well...
I am a baby and I will just cry
Nearly 24/7 and I don't know why...
The first road crossed and a start
With life's journey I embark...
There have been so many moments
And time I've shared with you...
As always written in nature
Everywhere that you see...
I compare you to a rose you're such an alluring...
Your colours glow so warmly whether it's day or...
I know you don't notice
When the wind blows your hair...
The day has finally come
As I'm watching the sun rise...
She held her child so tightly as she put him down...
Told him that she loved him and forever she would...
With life you're given one long rope
Which becomes our line to live and hope...
Our happiest day
Start of our lives together...