Inspired by a picture of an Elvis impersonator at...
No, I won't be your Teddy Bear...
You're fated, hated, opinionated.
You're so full of yourself...
Deadly serious,
Quiet reflection...
Flowers laid and tributes trending ...
Our inevitable ending...
What's the purpose of a poem?
What's the purpose of a rhyme...
David was watching over me in his black stretch...
I first fell in love with him when Ziggy played...
I have a friend I've never met,
a friend who lives a dream...
I'm the front page story from yesterday,
I was all over your TV...
O Come all ye faithful, it's the time of year
To spread good will and Christmas cheer...
Hark the herald bankers sing,
Come all ye plebs and worship the King...
... then after the violence
and after the dying...
Around and round the cursed trudge round the...
the aisles of Hell, damnation and despair...