Inspired by a picture of an Elvis impersonator at...
No, I won't be your Teddy Bear...
In name of Father, Son and Holy Joe,
Stand up! Sit down! Do as you're told you fool...
I'm a bit fed up tomorrow.
I'm a bit fed up today...
Biceps bulge, pectorals ripple
at the local municipal...
You're the masses.
We're the Media...
Red carpet's down in Tinsel Town
with camera flash and glitz...
A world of devastation,
with mass starvation...
The other me can play guitar.
He's talented and funny...
I've just discovered that the sleepy little...
Here comes the cavalry charge into town...
Sausage rolls, vol au vents and little meat pies,
Nothing too fancy, but ever so nice...
Face lift from Croydon,
a loud mouth that annoyed ‘em...
Well they waved their flags when Thatcher died
and they laid her in the ground...