The eye of Ra reveals the path soon to be taken...
As if vainly, I repeat the query 'who will...
Cannot sleep. Stillness not an option. The time of...
Living so close to an abundance of life, amazing...
If dreaming paths the way to where you are
Then why has none to you, so taken me...
Though man with plenty whom proclaim your love...
Shall I return to fading scribes of old?
That once with each a turn and covered page...
When I return by thought to youthful days;
I sprightly swing upon those swings again...
The snowy lilies gird her pith - in wake;
bejewelled love reposed in truest sleep...
There's a spot on the wall
Small and dark, just one...
Your single-hood gives time to beauty's waste:
Such charity you will in time donate...
When all my substance needs not breath of air
And eyes devolve into the depths of night...
When better days turn-in to better nights
I dare not dream for seldom they appear...
Is it her taking, that deprives my rest
Of sweetly nothings offered by a sleep...