Down the corner to the left, across the gas...
a dog dogs a dog while another dog tails and dogs...
Agony is a doll across the room.
She rests in a bed of pain...
A bench is a place to rest
in front of flowers and a lake...
One day, the Dust said to a Broom,
“Love, sweep me off the floor...
From within a ground, roots grow deep
like screams I hear in my sleep...
There's this thing called the ego,
It likes sitting on the passanger seat...
On one hell of a morning, when the lair of an evil...
“Mr. J...
It is through you, my beloved, poetry
that I have found a universe...
Who am I but some matter
that matters not in the entire universe...
Oh Wind!
i am just a twig...
Poetry, no one knows you as much as I do,
you are not beauty born from roots...
"Stop it, you are splashing it all over...
Water spits clarity...