Quotes by Everlasting

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  • Ah to hell with this,
    Some loves are born dead
    They are meant to not live

    10 years ago
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  • It's not the same. It never is. Once motivation is gone, it's gone... And that someone is gone along with my motivation.

    10 years ago
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  • When you spoke,
    I was starving for silence
    Thus I ate my words.
    I chewed them one by one
    Until I swallowed them whole
    my stomach rumbled
    In protest

    I felt sick of you.

    10 years ago
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  • Bless be I for feeling this pain
    that in my chest originates
    and for having this eyes, where the sky rains
    for if it did not rain,
    my life would be dried
    and my heart out of emotions would be drained.

    10 years ago
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  • Who am I kidding? it's not the same

    10 years ago
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  • I'm the same one
    The one who heard you till evening dawn
    The very same one
    Who has never stopped missing you

    10 years ago
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  • When I don't want to go anywhere,
    I write poems as if they were quotes

    10 years ago
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  • If you go, I go
    Like left foot following after the right
    And if you fall, I'll fall
    like I did for you
    Not too many moons ago

    10 years ago
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  • I blew to you a kiss
    But it missed your lips
    Those juicy meaty lips
    That I wanted to kiss.

    Rhyme: abba

    10 years ago
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  • I saw within my eyes a fire
    An eternal flame of desire
    And though, I could not stop for water
    I let my friend the rain
    Showered me with droplets of laughter

    10 years ago
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