2014-04-22 04:38 AM
Thee, Seeker of hollow solace...
Forgive me, beloved for...
Forgive me for my hunger...
2015-01-22 03:54
If you've ever woken up...
2014-07-08 19:39
If love was a colour, mine would be checkered...
By anything in this world
that still matters, I swear...
2014-06-10 00:26
Midnight just passed...
You sat in my window,
singing ironic love songs...
Melancholy is for those of us who know that...
2014-11-03 03:08 AM
I am a ghost, living in a stolen body...
Bless the kindness in your heart, Sister;
I never could love as vividly as you do...
2014-03-27 02:14 AM
It's been years...
2014-02-19 19:31
If I could change the past...