poetry is the alphabet of songwriting
I have been sharing my finished songs
on forums such as sound cloud and reverberation..
.& singing in open mikes
I started with a total love for poetry...
but found my style was conducive to writing songs...
I often think its the poets that appreciate the lyrics
that very any music lovers do not for some reason
have the luxury of understanding...time, interest or affinity.
I came here...because there was a poem "Bloody Tears" that someone shared with me..."the red drops flow so smoothly"
Thinking it was HER words...(she had put between us) as a method of distancing her for a stupid comment or two..
I tried to put the words to music...and it worked out
The poem was laid out so beautifully and since I have know persons
who have cut before...I felt an emotional melody for the poem...
I hope to contact that young lady and possible collaborate...
a few word changes and it sounded pretty good
I also hope to share some of my songs ...in there lyrical form...
I think there could be some sharing of feelings here,,,
I also hope to have some time to read poems...
and make some contacts here in this community