An instant is...
Life. Everything. Anything...
This has been a long time since.
A long time coming like the end of this sentence...
Take a second to think while you're running out...
Breathe a second then blink...
Tentative imagination.
Warm shadows, forgotten names, a torn and tired...
"don't think that you can get away with...
"I don't."...
The following is art.
The following is the hardest part...
Sittin thinking, pen and paper.
Unlimited possibility simulator...
The End.
Taste my truth. You misused and abused me for the...
Crime of taste. Lay waste to the colors for you...
Hold down, metal sprocket.
My head is like a rocket ship, at a loss for fuel...
I don't know what I'm doing...
Your love was the shins and forgotten feelings.
My love was torn in illegitimate dealings...