Quotes by JesusFreakAuthor

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  • They say U know when U've found the one, but how can U tell in-between the I can't believe this is real feelings and the I'm so in love with him moments, honestly I think I've found the one, honestly I know I've found the one, I love YOU Tim Kelly! <3

    9 years ago
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    10 years ago
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  • Its hard 2 love some1 & have them not fight 4 u, but u still stick by them,u remember he never fought 4 u,never seeked u when u werent talking, werent around, but hell always b ur blue sky, smile &<3 bc of who he brings out in u & who he is

    10 years ago
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  • Its hard 2 love some1 & have them not fight 4 u, but u still stick by them,u remember he never fought 4 u,never seeked u when u werent talking, werent around, but hell always b ur blue sky, smile &<3 bc of who he brings out in u & who he is

    10 years ago
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  • <3 <3 <3 Who you are whom I spilled my heart upon!!! <3 <3 <3

    10 years ago
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  • I love U with all my <3
    I cant stand the thought of another moment apart!

    U r the love of my life
    I dont want 2 spend another day away fr U!

    No matter what I wanna b near U
    Id do anything 2 b w/ U
    2 spend tomorrow by UR side & in UR eyes!

    10 years ago
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  • Https://apps.facebook.com/birthwatch/?fb_source=search&ref=br_tf

    10 years ago
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  • ‪#‎pregnancyproblems101‬

    10 years ago
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  • "I can't wait until you've come a calling on me ;) Skyler Cole Barrett"!!!

    10 years ago
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  • Sky bought his dad old ring off of him for 345 bc he knew i loved the oldtraditon when the man uses his mother's ring for his wife's ring, he already paid 350 for the 1 he lost, so i said get a cheap 50 one until we get married but he is too stuborn :)

    10 years ago
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