"The greatest motivation of a good leader is the understanding of time and living that one life everyday as if is the last, but plan to fulfill mission with eternity in view." |
"Inculcating the habit of the best use of time will write your name in the sands of time". |
"Sometimes life can be cruel and not always fair. However, you don't wait for life to treat you fairly. You demand from life fair treatment you deserve". |
"The beautiful ladies are yet to be born, but the ones that look beautiful without good attitude is addition of trouble, subtraction of money, and multiplication of enemies". |
"No-one is a failure except he or she fails to learn from his/her failure and the mistakes of others." |
"Your greatest enemy is you 'Attitude'. |
"The greatest pity fall and turn round in life is way of thinking." |
"It is good have self esteem and self pride at some point, but our pride belittle others it turn us into Monster." |
"Experience is the best teacher, but strive hard not fail." |
"Of one reasons we don't achieve our goals in life or become what we dream of, is the fact that we are too afraid to finished what we have not started." |