Poems by Scott Cole

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  • They say time is the travels of the Sun
    As it makes it's rounds through outer space...

  • It's the reason the World goes around,
    And why smiles are no longer frowns...

  • (If this poem site could literily talk)
    I've been meaning to speak to y'all...

  • My Voice: (5) 4

    May my voice
    Not be strained...

  • The season has come
    To sing lullabies...

  • 1927: (5) 4

    It was the year of 1927
    Coolidge was President...

  • I'm not defined by my outer appearance
    That first glance of what you can see...

  • I see those tears your trying to conceal
    As they seep from your weary eyes...

  • Tongues can spray bullets
    Packed full of hate...

  • My eyes sweat with exhaustion
    I'm battered and badly bruised...

  • Always think things through
    Ponder a little while...

  • To the lady who stole my heart
    But then put it to good use...