They say time is the travels of the Sun
As it makes it's rounds through outer space...
If I could I'd steal your final breath
Watch you just lay there and die...
Yes I know you do exist
Though I've never seen your face...
I hope you don't expect me to just sit here
And watch you pour your heart out to another...
One night I mulled
<( To You Dear Poets )>
All of this poetic beauty once shared...
The first time I saw her
I was just a kid...
We're all just like caterpillars
Crawling through Life...
A lot of times in our Life
We find reasons to complain...
Life is but a treasure hunt
That we seek out to find...
I'm not defined by my outer appearance
That first glance of what you can see...
Beautiful satin ribbons
Tied and dipped in dyes...