Poems by Scott Cole

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  • All that beats
    Is not alive...

  • My heart is a puzzle
    A puzzle in a box...

  • It's not the color of your eyes
    Nor the shade of your long hair...

  • This ole World is so amazing
    This ole World and all it's wonder...

  • Her name is Teena
    It's spelt with two e's...

  • I could never forget you
    Erase you from my mind...

  • I'm a fly on your wall
    The top right corner...

  • I see your beaty little black eyes
    Staring me to high Heaven...

  • It's that one in a million
    That first seen sunrise...

  • Those tiny little numbers
    Written all over your face...

  • She's the galaxy
    To my Universe...

  • For it is but love
    That fills the heart...