She is bright and breezy but not as sharp as tack
She sheds light on bad things but not on education...
With friends like that,
Who needs enemies...
Don't vote for disaster, heed this warning cry,
The future hangs in balance, a choice draws nigh...
Rise, African child, rise up high,
Embrace the future with a steadfast eye...
Tempting to satisfy those friends, so fair,
Seeking their approval, their praise, their care...
They throw her to the wolves.
She is down and out...
Man does not evade misfortune.
Man is born to surfer...
I loved the girl of my heart and soul.
She was fit like glove...
I was born on the right side of the tracks.
I was born on the wrong side of the blanket...
The rain is angry,
It turns a deaf ear...
How long shall I smoke marijuana?
How long shall I utilize drugs...
Am a hero, not a zero.
I am a winner, not a loser...