The authenticity of gold could be tested on any tooth, while the truth of life - only by the tooth of wisdom. |
All vices of a son of a b***h are stemmed from his fatherlessness. |
No matter how well one's stupidity is dressed up, it always finds the occasion to expose itself. |
It is better to fancy self as an unrecognized genius rather than to be considered as a qualified idiot |
Hopelessly forever unlucky loser is unlucky even in his dreams. |
Geniuses are counted by single digit numbers, while mediocrities are considered to be total zeroes. |
Even one, born lucky, may end his life being miserable looser. |
Man, who came down to the point of desperation, no longer wants to change the world. |
While crossing the field of life do not expect to see the note: "Checked, there are no mines." |
Material wealth multiplies by its accumulation, while spiritual - by its distribution. |