Streaming along the hems are tiny hands of endless...
Weary eyes see what music these touches her lonely...
I defied the season of happy holidays, continuous...
Day by day, life has become an open space, an...
Beneath crystal waters that sparkle like the...
Found is a treasure of a lover's kind of love...
Destined on a dayfall,
A hope that flickers in the night...
Blissful dragonflies aflutter as unweighing a...
Free as a good-will spirit...
A day more than once in this life,
Is more than I can bear...
The love so profoundly brought forth,
Is the kind of love that never perishes...
A long road walked in a distant path,
A turn aback shall no longer prevail...
In this world will one take the pace,
Of diverse realms to a soulful success...
Over the horizon paints the burning sun yellow,
Where flowers bloom in silver strings...
Once a billet-doux was taken by this beau,
An afflatus read by his beloved belle...
Oh, ladyfingers,
Paint me the stars with your beauty...