In the garden of memories, love blooms,
petals of moments, fragrant in our rooms...
L ately these feelings have been L ovely
O verwhelming me with fear of loving O verflow...
down to this...
L ove can make you sick to your stomach
O n-going through the night you feel...
Love is the most wonderful
feeling in the world one...
Love is when you sleep
with your partner in bed...
Love is your birthday
we give love to...
There is a boy who has
his eyes on this girl who...
Love means to feel happier when
your loved one is happy and sadder...
Cole said:
I still love you I didn't think I did I do even...
On July 31st my niece was having
Contractions in her stomach she felt...
I deeply, truly, love my beautiful,
Cole, he's the most amazing guy...