Favorite Poems of CJ Maleney

  • Unconquering 2

    by Satish Verma

    Waiting for the unwaiting
    to appear. The green pigeons...

  • My Love (1) 1

    by Ali Maleney

    Craig please believe me when I say
    I've never cheated and never will...

  • Love letter (1) 1

    by Ali Maleney

    Who knew that with
    The posting of a letter...

  • Although (1) 2

    by Obscure

    The darkness may be heavy,
    And you may want to atone...

  • i am but first –
    a soft yearning for something warmer...

  • Midnight Happening (1) 2

    by Satish Verma

    You never forget
    the fat preemie...

  • let me talk to you about my rage
    about the burning unceasing fire that can't seem...

  • Here it is (2) 1

    by Nicholas W Jones

    I slowly pause as I tell the truth,
    Not because I'm thinking of a lie but because...

  • A Pretense of Normality (4) 7 HM

    by Larry Chamberlin

    I saw your shadow yesterday
    blown about the treetops...

  • ....as moon awaits, to greet your soul
    you’ll cross a bridge where lies no troll...

  • Wine trickles down an hour glass,
    coating a desert of run-on sentences...

  • I blinked for just a moment and lost track
    As thoughts meandered down forgotten paths...

  • Flaxen Wings (8) 6

    by Maple Tree

    She lived within a cave dwelling
    past few years or so...

  • Mobility Mayhem (15) 7 HM

    by Milly Hayward

    I have a new mobility scooter
    with big wheels, lights and bag...

  • A day to remember… (9) 9 HM

    by Mr. Darcy

    Onto a cow field
    They did trot...

  • Piranha like pains spread
    Inside like hard rain...

  • A

  • demons encroach upon my mind
    a stomping ground for reapers of darkness...

  • Depression is silent,
    Yet the loudest feeling ever felt...

  • Window to the soul (11) 8

    by Courtney Hough

    “Hold out your hands.”
    A calming voice spoke...

  • I will be there when life feels numb
    when bells ring out a humming drum...

  • The same old song (6) 4 HM

    by Michael

    Mouths hush to a silent lull-
    i sighed in awe as my...

  • Home in Your Heart (2) 2

    by Twolz

    You’re lost and alone
    Let me help you get home...

  • Sinners gospel (5) 5

    by Ya----Na

    Holding onto a lifetime of heartbreak
    will never set you free...

  • Nothing Else. (3) 5

    by Rosy Cheeks And Irony

    This is my humanity;
    whittled lovingly to a sharp point...

  • The Heart Library (26) 18

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    The cover looked appealing
    Albeit the spine slightly cracked...

  • As Always (2) 3

    by Hope

    Beneath my will: it all lies under....
    under my grave, tell me to stay...

  • Your heart is an organ-
    playing a melody of your kind-nature...

  • Frozen Factals (7) 6 HM

    by Lyical Madness

    Life's frozen landscape
    As the sun bursts onto the scene...

  • They ask me where I'm from (13) 8 WIN

    by Fredy RoMa0u Sanchez

    They ask me where I was born
    like if the place where I come from...

  • Lines of Lies (12) 8 HM

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    I've found out why I have few friends,
    why phones lay quiet in my hands...

  • Anaesthetic (11) 4

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    When the pain becomes too much to bear
    Break away to a distant place...

  • Superhero (2) 5

    by Alex Penuelas

    If it feels like you are carrying
    The heavy load all by yourself...

  • Where are you? (12) 7

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    I wished upon a star
    Wrote your name in frosty screens...

  • Time Flies: (5) 4

    by Scott Cole

    They say time is the travels of the Sun
    As it makes it's rounds through outer space...

  • Above and away (19) 9

    by Dagmar Wilson

    What you know of me
    is a layer of paint on a canvas...

  • Out of Luck (10) 6

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Tell me what it is you want
    Take it and be on your way...

  • Alternative thoughts (7) 6

    by mysticalpisces

    Imagine being in alternate reality
    Where everything is distorted...

  • Waiting to Exhale (10) 7

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    The shock violently strikes
    I gasp, inhale sharply...

  • Loco-emotion (20) 8 HM

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Quiet contemplation
    My reflection in glass like a ghost...

  • <( To You Dear Poets )>
    All of this poetic beauty once shared...

  • Stay (Song) (21) 12 HM

    by Maher

    Excuse me, Miss, may I forget
    this broken heart I've yet to set...

  • Whiteout (22) 11

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Icy extremities chill chambers
    That once they set alight...

  • Starry Night (14) 8

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    I slip into your inky blackness
    You steal away my despair...

  • Some say,
    I was given birth by...

  • I'll Return to Mother Earth
    toil my hands within her roots...

  • The cycle of desensitization. (11) 9 HM

    by Poet on the Piano

    We plant flowers in our chests
    and bloom epiphanies...

  • Chrysanthemum (9) 6

    by Maple Tree

    and she was....
    nothing but bitterness...

  • How joyous it would be
    If I were loved by thee...

  • Empty Vessel (11) 4

    by Risqué

    I have not created this emptiness
    Tidal waves of broken promises and second chances...

  • My soul (27) 17 WIN

    by Ya----Na

    How about
    putting a butterfly...

  • Alternate reality (13) 11 HM

    by Mr. Darcy

    Orange bleeds to dreary inky dusk . . .
    I haul leaded legs over a hill...

  • Closing Bodies (11) 8

    by Sherry Caayupan

    Land of a thousand miles ahead,
    I could see greener pastures for love awaiting...

  • Recovery (19) 10

    by Michael

    At times I would overdose, with the
    bane of my life I would...

  • Fun House (5) 4

    by Courtney Hough

    Step right up! Experience a depressed mind,
    What an incredible place to be.&quot...

  • Shadow Adventures (10) 8

    by Lyical Madness

    You told me of fairy tales
    They expanded my mind...

  • The Unravelling (8) 5

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    I'm hanging by a thread here
    It's worn and it is frayed...

  • Since Day One (4) 2

    by Tonia

    In actual fact
    You needn't speak...

  • Blue Blood (2) 3

    by mossgirl19

    Kings rode their chariots-
    I don't have one...

  • Bully (4) 3

    by schmetterling

    A lot of the time
    people don't care if they hurt you...

  • What If (4) 1

    by Allie

    She'll do what she's has to in order to get by...
    She isn't sure about what's really anymore. So...

  • Little Green Basket (15) 6 HM

    by mossgirl19

    You came home that day
    With three little baskets...

  • Dirty Hands (10) 7

    by Maple Tree

    Dark eyes see more rainbows
    than crystal blues can touch...

  • The One (2) 1


    To what shall I be compared?
    If the essence of my being is but a replica of the...

  • The road ahead (6) 3

    by Beautiful Tragedy

    I walked through the door into that
    Room and you were the first thing I seen...

  • A noose knocked on my door today.
    It's knot hung loose as it made it's way...

  • Catalyst (11) 10

    by Milly Hayward

    Oh dismal world you have me flung
    into the deepest pile of dung...

  • Devils Pawn (My First Sonnet) (12) 12

    by Milly Hayward

    Thy stench dost wrench the ardour from my soul
    and make my blood more cold than icy snow...

  • I walk along a path; alone
    with only my shadow...

  • What Good Is A Heart (11) 4

    by brittany williams


  • She's Ok (10) 7

    by Allie

    She's a reflection of everyone who's ever done her...
    She's everything that's lost in the world but...

  • Impotent (10) 6

    by RustySoul

    Ten years of marriage, childless they were,
    “Not a man”, “impotent”, people said...

  • The Science of Deduction (15) 7

    by mossgirl19

    Playing Sherlock, one day in his crazy life
    He decided to deduce, deduce, deduce...

  • The Drums (7) 6 HM

    by Mark Rawlins

    Here come
    the drums...

  • Lost moments (29) 33 WIN

    by Milly Hayward

    Music pulls tightly at my soul
    follows me out as I stroll...

  • Murderous Hand (28) 22 WIN

    by Milly Hayward

    Blood red is the shadow round your eyes
    as you look out on dying skies...

  • Discord in Africa (3) 3

    by Dancing Rivers

    From the top of the hill I can feel
    the wind blowing on my face...

  • If I remembered the way it sounded…
    The drum of your heartbeat against your chest...

  • Mama always say smile to visitors
    I'm quite accustomed to that...

  • The River (6) 8

    by Maple Tree

    When you gaze beyond....
    where sunsets dance with stardust...

  • Everdream (6) 6

    by Lyical Madness

    There's an Everdream
    That makes me want to scream...

  • The Misfits (14) 11

    by Maple Tree

    I write of peace in darkness
    making friends with demons...

  • That taste of silence bites the tongue.
    It's stare is cold, it's breathing, still...

  • Opposites Attract (20) 9

    by Maher

    It's cold, I
    could never imagine your warmth; I...

  • You Are More than What You Do (8) 9 HM

    by Larry Chamberlin

    Sometimes bitter disappointment
    keeps you from remembering...

  • Confession (4) 5 HM

    by nouriguess

    One day, I'll cross oceans
    to see you again...

  • She is woman (5) 3

    by Kereen

    She doesn't want to live
    But she doesn't want to die...

  • Illogical (6) 4

    by Fredy RoMa0u Sanchez

    Just like trying to bring down a shooting star...
    Or fly a plane across the world with both wings...

  • Stars (30) 35

    by mossgirl19

    Jewels in the sky, cure to lonely hearts silently...
    Ever so distant, but so close, so near upon a...

  • --------Aries Rising--------
    A broken Angel lurking in dark shadows...

  • Time again (3) 4

    by -Choke-On-MY-Halo-

    Cursing for ever falling for
    his lies...

  • Mirror: (10) 5

    by Scott Cole

    Oh Mirror I stand in front of thee,
    And peer inside your realm of glee...

  • ( "la" renia de corazones )
    I'm The Good Fairy Mary Poppins of all...

  • Fake (4) 4

    by Lyical Madness

    The smile doesn't reach my eyes
    The mask can do much but not add back the faded...

  • Within the vicinity of the Earth
    Down those dingy streets of Pergamum...

  • Is it wrong? (7) 9

    by Lyical Madness

    Is it wrong that I miss you
    That I ache & feel so raw...

  • Pills (37) 22 HM

    by Ren

    They say that I am weak,
    Cause I need pills to fall asleep...

  • Silent and Crowded Sanctuary (8) 4

    by Meena Krish

    From wall to wall without space to breathe
    we are cramped to fill each page...

  • Para-Poetic (11) 9

    by Maple Tree

    Late at night, after twilight's final courtsy
    the heart can sink, like a weighted anchor...

  • Have you seen her? (4) 3

    by Fredy RoMa0u Sanchez

    I drive through a busy street....
    Emptiness within me and at the passenger seat...

  • comfortable (4) 4

    by Yakari Gabriel

    People tell you to embrace the sad.
    to let it run its course...

  • The pain i feel as i say goodbye (6) 2

    by deeplydesturbed

    I just like blood.. the redness, the flow, the...
    yea i may seem weird... but the way i let go of my...

  • A beat comes to earth,
    With a soft rhythm or two...

  • They Thought She would (6) 8 HM

    by Maple Tree

    But she didn't.....
    Failed written upon her forehead...

  • Rapidly, I'm Falling (10) 8

    by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist

    I see things in different ways...

  • Hold (3) 3

    by Lyical Madness

    And I can't get you out of my head
    My heart just refuses to let you go...

  • Dementia (14) 12 WIN

    by Hellon

    This is who I am...
    my hands tremor to the point...

  • Abused with compassion (6) 6 HM

    by Mark Rawlins

    I scribble in obscurity,
    enthused by a passion...

  • Sorrowful Winds (7) 7

    by Lyical Madness

    Silver shadows walking beside me
    Ghostly whispers in the air...

  • Death (a beautiful thing) (22) 9

    by deeplydesturbed

    Death is something
    we must all do...

  • Force of Nature (7) 7

    by Lyical Madness

    Songs throwing me into memories
    The night I danced & spun giddily upon the beach...

  • My King (5) 5

    by Maple Tree

    My eyes crystalize like the morning sun,
    when you enter our castle's edge...

  • Unspoken (14) 17 WIN

    by Lyical Madness

    My scars tell a story
    Of what my mouth can not...

  • Our Hereafter (7) 9 HM

    by Abed

    One day, when all of this ends,
    we will collect our bones...

  • Coming out of the dark (part II) (5) 2

    by Poet on the Piano

    The morning after…
    Don’t worry how I slept or the empty...

  • Beautiful Stranger (26) 12

    by Ren

    Oh, Beautiful Stranger...
    Standing outside the door...

  • Keep me for a night (5) 2

    by Bewitched

    Keep me for a night
    I know you cant stay long...

  • What If It Doesn't Change a Thing? (4) 2

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    What if she hurt me?
    Hurt me like the rest...

  • I've always wonder - it has always been
    a part of me, wondering that is. About...

  • In the air (6) 5

    by Michael

    A seductive aroma
    fills the air...