Poems by CJ Maleney

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  • To draw life in full colour upon parchment,
    To see beauty in flat creation. Shades of reality...

  • I am not a man of iron,
    I am made of flesh and blood...

  • Little precious things,
    That need treated with care...

  • Seek me not in daylight,
    You will find I do not dwell there...

  • It's not a place you want to stay
    Not somewhere you should be...

  • Be Lucky (9) 5

    If they are lucky tonight,
    We will have Chinese food...

  • I do not write poems or rhymes.
    They write themselves...

  • I feel like I'm empty inside
    There is definitely a void...

  • Insanity used to be a friend of mine
    But he stood up and went to wars...

  • Pick up your soldiers.
    Take your first train set...

  • Ooh look at you in your flash car.
    You should really learn to drive...

  • Entice (5) 4

    Tell me your name that we may converse on more...
    Tell me of your dreams and desires, tell me of the...