I'm sorry dad
I cannot be like you...
Gnarled hands wrap tightly round the coffee cup
Willing heat to penetrate...
And it goes a little something like this.
Dad I like girls...
Is not illumination...
So much land and sea have I traversed.
So many things for ones eyes to behold...
Come climb aboard and pay your shilling.
Ride this death trap if you are willing...
My weekends are somewhat overly aquired of late.
My time is in demand but without demand also...
An axe to grind I need
One blip of time for me...
My daughter thinks I'm stupid
that I don't know my A,B,C...
When I was somewhat lost and confused,
I travelled, trying to find my feet...
I shouldn't react, yet I do!
I should feel no pain, yet I do...
Our future is shaky and it's sketchy
The world is dying piece by piece...