Quotes by CJ Maleney

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  • "Never try"

    "Trying is the beginning of failure"

    Hommer Simpson.

    Funny as fook

    But always try, if you don't you will never know

    7 years ago
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  • Never underestimate the power of a smile.

    6 years ago
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  • Sometimes it's easier to come down than to go up!

    Being down and at rock bottom has one benefit.

    You can only go up from there.

    If you wish!

    5 years ago
    1 0
  • It's amazing what you miss when you stare.

    It's amazing what you see when you are not actually looking.

    6 years ago
    1 0
  • A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine

    8 years ago
    1 0
  • Your words will never mean anything, if in your own heart they're not true

    Choose them wisely

    6 years ago
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  • If your ambition is to rule the world! Then you will ultimately fail in everything you do.

    If your ambition is to rule your own tiny piece of the world!

    Then my god how much can you achieve?!!!

    6 years ago
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  • People always say "let go of the past!"

    This is easy!

    But what happens when the past won't let go of you?

    6 years ago
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  • Never be afraid of the dark, the darkness leads the imagination to wander.

    What we find in our wandering leads to inspiration and wonderfull things.

    7 years ago
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  • They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    This is true, but sometimes I think you need to behold yourselves and see what everyone else does.

    7 years ago
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