I sink into your softness
You know my curves so well...
How I envied you all
With your senses intact...
Take a trip inside my mind
Marvel at its savvy...
I'm living in beige in this box
Where you've pigeon-holed me...
Don't use your words as weapons
Don't spit those bullets at me...
Doctor when you speak to me
Please remember I'm a person too...
Come tuck into my embrace
Let me breathe the scent of you...
I'm hanging by a thread here
It's worn and it is frayed...
Sail me to uncharted waters
Show me what I've missed...
My life it is a tightrope
This wire is slippy as hell...
I beg you to just stay alive
Keep fighting this big fight...
If you could take an eraser
To the bits of life that sucked...