The sun has not yet risen when I kiss your heart...
my eyes flutter shut and sleep takes me...
How beautiful it is
to be able to leave a piece of your heart...
I have not created this emptiness
Tidal waves of broken promises and second chances...
I would swim the depths of the ocean
just to discover your roots...
You were beauty, magic, and everything I yearned...
I found myself at your feet...
You are the cupid I never wanted.
Shooting your arrows across my battlefield...
The madness has returned.
My world, now splattered in colour...
Mischievous little mystery
Your curiosity is part of me...
You blanket me and refuse to leave
So rude and unwelcome...
Yielding to everything you see, I begin
Oozing hatred and condemnation...
It feels as though I'm drowning in this darkness;
the latest apocalypse...
I've spent years trying to pry myself out of this...
And still my coat hangs by the door...