Disappearance is never quite as simple as
a one line poem...
I wish I could get as close as the threads
of your winter jumper, so close that...
I am not good at science, but I am good at...
And feelings are words expressed thinly...
& this is where I find myself -
Running like a wildfire through the fields of...
Sheared. His milkflower skin did nothing more than...
There’s clean sheets on the floor
that don’t really matter because...
Like any good daughter, I move my body forward.
A sacrifice on the table of family gratitude and...
I remember you, as though you
were the biggest sin bound to my surface...
The story continues, as sore as skin rubbed
dangerously red, it’s colour like fire from the...
This is my humanity;
whittled lovingly to a sharp point...
Dedicated to the countless war poets, and all of...
“When the prison guards burned his manuscripts...
Our lips were a shade of delicate light blue;
their colour that of gentle stalactite...