Poems by ddavidd

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  • It is not Christmas eve no more
    I wish it was Christmas always...

  • Time is a railway.
    Now is the very trains that...

  • Standing on the opposite sides of a train station
    we waved goodbye...

  • This fleshy ripen dome of fervor,
    this bundle of rainbow and nectar...

  • In the name of Indian warriors
    the first nation of truth...

  • Amongst the stretch and squeeze of the accordion
    she and I...

  • Nothing exists as absolute,
    in hardcore reality...

  • Centripetal and centrifugal,
    two core of an oval mirror...

  • There was a little puppy
    named Asskan...

  • You macerate me and
    I create art...

  • The consumer is consumed
    as consumption consummates...

  • He is so poor.
    He has nothing yet honesty...