Poems by ddavidd

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  • Sea water inflames
    my guts like a lonely man...

  • Complete me you do
    because I am nothing and...

  • Those who've tried so hard
    to sweep him away by brooms...

  • The awe of wrinkles,
    will wither and desiccate...

  • This scrap of dirt,
    this portion of earth...

  • When you smile
    the white gate of Eden opens...

  • There are ends to the distances
    There are ends to all the roads...

  • I am
    as old as...

  • Parallels are delusion
    otherwise, roads were endless...

  • Enigma (3) 2

    The reason that we keep on going
    is that we are not going anywhere...

  • The moon,

  • Thirsty for the truth
    he didn't know how parlous is...