Quotes by ddavidd

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  • Hey don’t let these words of wisdom make you lose your bus

    6 years ago
    1 0
  • I resent those who always choose popularity over real-meaning

    6 years ago
    1 0
  • Dividing people into the cubs of hoods such as brotherhoods, makes them only see there hoods and alienates them from their brethren.

    6 years ago
    1 0
  • True love is
    when you love something for itself
    Not for something else

    5 years ago
    1 0
  • It is as amoral for them to throw themselves at the feet of those who're in power
    as for those who're in power, to abuse what has been thrown at them.
    Morality often is reciprocal.

    5 years ago
    1 0

  • Why when you are lonely
    People leave you alone
    And when you are not
    They don't?

    5 years ago
    0 0
  • Truth is like fire: when you know, it burns you from within.

    3 years ago
    0 0
  • Some would sell their soul
    not for gain or fun
    but for the sake of
    a job well done

    6 years ago
    0 0
  • The trick is to lean how
    to be superficially bad
    and essentially good

    5 years ago
    0 0
  • If you care to know my friend ~~my friend
    it was never about the affair ~~the affair
    it was always
    the internal affair~~ the affair~~

    2 years ago
    0 0