Poems by prasanna

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  • where the sternum meets the clavicle,
    i want you to rip it apart like a wishbone...

  • evelynn. (2) 2

    morals in abeyance, our sin-stained lips
    take to every vice with black-tar dreams...

  • The shadow visits me when the moon
    unravels his luminous beauty, swaying...

  • a plucked tongue, uprooted and transplanted in
    foreign lands before the seed was sown...

  • fixated on your protruding collarbones,
    i swallow the evening sun, bathing in the...

  • i wish you could see through my kaleidoscopic...
    my skies are forever echoing your light...

  • dawn is lit by the candle in your heart;
    a mango-yellow stains the sky, and i...

  • singular. (1) 3

    the literature of you can be summarized
    in one word – loneliness...

  • excavated childhood memories, i handle
    them with care, reminding myself to hold...

  • i must confess,
    a part of the heart lives in the ear...

  • o’ girl who massages coconut oil into hair,
    the next time you wear jasmines in your hair...

  • tender is the night as the monsoon
    blossoms at some time past three am...