Poems by prasanna

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  • the uninvited guest barges in and sits
    at the dining table, offering slivers of...

  • anaphora (1) 2

    sheath your gaze –
    i have no response for your tiger eyes...

  • time swims non-linearly in a vast ocean.
    i bring palms together, and cup the water...

  • in the city of a thousand suns;
    you swell the most at the seams...

  • Sorrow espaliered across the width of my...
    manages to cast light on it. I suppose that...

  • april, with bloodied fists, heaving breath finds
    respite where your clavicle meets your sternum...

  • i wish i could drape the sky on you tonight,
    the sunset – the oranges, the reds, the yellows...

  • i remember that day vividly;
    he looked at the price tag of...

  • i am, but soft in your hands,
    and your hands only...

  • the world before you is one that’s foreign to...
    like an ancient civilization you’ve once heard...

  • Please don’t gaze upon me with pitiful eyes,
    loneliness is parallel to love—there are no...

  • …the stand mixer broke a while back, so
    we resort to kneading the dough by hand...