Poems by BOB GALLO

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  • Comme je t'aime
    "I love you for all the women I have not known...

  • Unripe grapes ripe in my mouth
    when you kiss me...

  • So deep in my ears
    there is a song...

  • Virgin (1) 2

    There are no bite marks on his apple.
    His toys are still in their boxes...

  • Those who've beavered hard
    to brush me away by their brooms...

  • Where (1) 2

    Where everything is versified to be uttered
    and sublime is not external and pretended...

  • How his jolly heart dashed
    into the barbwire fence of...

  • Winning and losing
    are mirroring flecks on the...

  • Living is the search
    in which we lose everything...

  • Everything would end
    everything my dear, that is why...

  • The eternals are mortal

  • Tears have the constituents of their own:
    Salted from bottom of the seas...