Poems by BOB GALLO

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  • I do not know how long I am going to live
    I do not know how long we shall be together...

  • I am the humble man of your virtue.
    I am the fire from within...

  • Nothing more serrated than the stretch of a bloom...
    Nothing is craggier than the distance of two...

  • You are incurable

  • Why should I bother with all these temporal...
    ~ the temptations of which...

  • How wearing the patience of vultures is
    in the desert of people's eyes...

  • She cried for a little gingerbread,
    its arm was missing...

  • The reason of hideousness
    is that we could learn beauty...

  • If you cannot afford to defend yourself
    you are almost as good as guilty...

  • It is endless
    their aptitude of flaming to burst and blaze out...

  • I don't believe in
    any religion because...