Fragrances are the decalcomania of elegant flowers...
Butterflies are the flowers decalcomania in...
They worshiped him in the book
for he sacrificed his life...
Maybe you see it in your subconscious
the wound that more or less we all share...
The whole world was only a cell, and your cell was...
It was the freedom...
Life is an interlude
between two deaths...
O deliquescing clocks, deliquescing clocks,
only timelessness is real...
Our differences must
add to our union not to...
The less awareness
we have the more objects we...
Comme je t'aime
"I love you for all the women I have not known...
What a hugless night!
Such infectious cruelty...
O little insect,
these windows are all ruddy, florid and silky...
The freedom was never gained
whether after...