Poems by Aiko (Dreamsurfer)

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  • The Germans say: Warum nicht?
    Why not...

  • Her hands are strong.
    Hospitality is her forte...

  • We are slaves to money.
    Why can't we wake up to think about only...

  • Who wants to win every game in the FIFA World Cup?
    I guess every footballer does...

  • In all the Ugandan boarding schools I studied in,
    I ate more maize meals than rice or tubers...

  • Where will I spend eternity?
    I pray it is not Hell...

  • The Grasshopper is an emblem,
    For the Maracha Clan of Lugbara...

  • They are black and brown on the outside,
    But white on the inside...

  • Scars do not go away,
    But they remind you that wounds can heal...

  • My Blackberry Curve 8520 got software problems.
    So I took it to a technician...

  • Nothing happens without permission from Above.
    Everything comes from GOD...

  • There is no subject under the Sun,
    That cannot be discussed in 100 words...