Bullies wear masks you can take off.
Just stand up for yourself...
The only thing I hated about school,
With all my blood...
When the young babe I wanted to marry,
Rejected the gift I had procured for her...
I'm not a huge pet person,
But before I was 11 years old...
I had dreams of becoming a footballer,
Doctor or trucker...
Rush to Church!
There is no other place that can match...
When your heart is broken,
You need a CMOS battery to keep it going...
Life on Earth is all about debit.
You pay for food, love, health, security...
Seeing a White stand out in Ugandan music is...
Paul Kafeero's White wife did some one-beat music...
JESUS is the Demonicide.
If you call on HIM...
Do I look depressed because am always indoors?
I no longer move out like I used to...
The Devil's house
Seems to have nuances of GODliness...