Quotes by Aiko (Dreamsurfer)

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  • My perfect woman believes in the GOD of Israel, avoids trousers and wears natural hair from her birthplace. Supporting Arsenal FC from London is a bonus.

    3 years ago
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  • Since GOD can keep you alive for one whole year, then one mere day is too easy for HIM.

    3 years ago
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  • When your heart is damaged, drink bongo yoghurt or fresh milk!

    3 years ago
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  • I do not fancy begging nor borrowing money from humans; if I do not have, then I do not spend.

    3 years ago
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  • Some people think they cannot draw, but if they repeatedly sketch and refine, they will discover their talentmine.

    3 years ago
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  • Most Art projects reteach me something I used to overlook.

    3 years ago
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  • Money is just a tool to be used like a spanner or comb, not GOD. So if I act like it's nothing, it's because I want to live stress free; lack of it must never depress me.

    3 years ago
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  • I heard someone say that money makes the World go round, but even without money, the World still goes round.

    3 years ago
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  • Toast to the Saturday I wasted 3,000 UgX on edibles yet I needed it the next day for transport to another town for a job interview which I passed!

    3 years ago
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  • I want you to love me for my talents, not my money because it comes and goes.

    3 years ago
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