Quotes by Aiko (Dreamsurfer)

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  • War, bullets, bombs and bloodshed from fighting are like red rain.

    3 years ago
    0 0
  • Sharks are more lethal in water, not grass; know your limits!

    3 years ago
    1 0
  • Poverty is a personal struggle.

    3 years ago
    1 0
  • You are as beautiful as Indians and Cushites!

    3 years ago
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  • It's hard to find another woman who loves me like you do.

    3 years ago
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  • You make me feel different, our connection is divine.

    3 years ago
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  • I have loved you from Day 1 when you called my name.

    3 years ago
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  • The Cleverest Way to get rid of waste paper and unwanted anthills is to transform them into brickets.

    3 years ago
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  • The Best Things in Life are free: Salvation through JESUS Christ, sunshine, rainwater, oxygen, family love, radio, Analog TV, Facebook Zero, etc.

    3 years ago
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  • Nobody can convince me to vote for a replacement president.

    3 years ago
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