Quotes by Aiko (Dreamsurfer)

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  • Everytime someone says that Arsenal has never won the UEFA Champions League, I feel like telling them that at least Arsenal has won the FIFA World Cup more than once since Petit and Vieira, then Gilberto, Fabregas, Oezil, Podolski, Mustafi, Per & others.

    3 years ago
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  • GOD created everyone, so everybody is people.

    3 years ago
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  • Tears wash away the pain in the heart.

    3 years ago
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  • Failure is a bypass to victory.

    3 years ago
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  • My mother supports M7 and she really amused me when she joked that some Ugandans actually think women will stop dying during childbirth if Bobi becomes the President. Hardluck to the unlucky mothers, sometimes GOD allows the Devil to have his way!

    3 years ago
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  • Everyone departs from Earth in poverty, there is nothing you take into the Afterlife besides your spirit.

    3 years ago
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  • Life always recalibrates our trajectory.

    3 years ago
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  • I pray to GOD that I do not get Cancer. Amen!

    3 years ago
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  • You may keep eating your cousins but when they get pregnant, then you will understand why Seyyid Said moved his capital from Muscat to Zanzibar.

    3 years ago
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  • It's not disrespectful for someone to ask me where the toilet is; we all go there!

    3 years ago
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