Quotes by Aiko (Dreamsurfer)

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  • Bad things also end.

    4 years ago
    0 0
  • Every failure, weakness, mistake, insult or rebuke is either your breaking point or endurance training; cultivate a thick skin!

    4 years ago
    1 0
  • Even Wolverine prays to GOD.

    4 years ago
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  • We are all on Deathrow; you just have to wait for your Execution Day! The Angel of Death is waiting.

    4 years ago
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  • Poverty ain't sweet but neither is greed and discontentment; give thanks for what you get!

    4 years ago
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  • LORD, take hatred out of my heart whenever am angered!

    4 years ago
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  • When am feeling low like a shoe, I drink water, sleep, listen to music, watch my favourite videos, take a walk in open air, contact someone I adore or pray to GOD.

    4 years ago
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  • Do not blame anyone for your boredom; it's all your own fault!

    4 years ago
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  • Misery is a choice in the mind.

    4 years ago
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  • It's very difficult to forget you even when you ghost me.

    4 years ago
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