Quotes by Aiko (Dreamsurfer)

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  • From corner to Gunner: It's absolutely funny that Willian took the opposing team's corner that resulted into Arsenal FC's 2020 Goal of the Season, now he's a Gunner.

    4 years ago
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  • Before 2014, I was writing a comic with a mask-wearing supervillain named Pollution whose weapon was fumes or gas, the deadliest being sprays like Bird Flu. When Coronavirus reached UG in 2020, I started wondering if fiction is not blurry prophecy.

    4 years ago
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  • Tears wash away pain, but rain washes away tears.

    4 years ago
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  • When a boy says he loves a girl, it means he wants to give her so many things.

    4 years ago
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  • Everyone has at least one talent; discover yours!

    4 years ago
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  • Just because the river is calm does not mean there are no crocodiles and leeches hiding inside.

    4 years ago
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  • GOD is bigger than all your problems combined; past, present and future.

    4 years ago
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  • It does not matter how calm the ocean looks, there are vicious creatures inside.

    4 years ago
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  • Never jump ships in the middle of the sea.

    4 years ago
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  • No-one stays on this planet forever; each one leaves when their time comes.

    4 years ago
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