Quotes by Aiko (Dreamsurfer)

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  • Colouring scanned drawings using Photoshop software is one of the Most Pleasant Things on this Earth; GIMP is not far behind.

    4 years ago
    0 1
  • What kind of GOD gives his worshipper a stone when he asks for bread? A wrathful GOD.

    4 years ago
    1 1
  • Money is just a tool like a comb, some people have only one while others have 200 or more. Use, give away or make more money with more!

    4 years ago
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  • My 5 X-Men from Movies would include: Wolverine, Storm, Gambit, Beast and Deadpool though I would fancy Rogue somewhere; she's beautifully stoic and wields a different type of superpower.

    4 years ago
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  • I do not complain about wealth corruption in government because when we depart from Earth, we go with nothing, nichts, zero, nara; not even a coin.

    4 years ago
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  • Whenever I come across a new version of the Bible, I check if the 2nd and 10th commandments are not tampered with. If they are, then the book feels a little less legit.

    4 years ago
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  • I know Pele is Top, but Lionel Messi is my Greatest Footballer of All Time.

    4 years ago
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  • Suicide is not the Best Escape from depression.

    4 years ago
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  • GOD distributes favours differently: I never met my grandfathers yet there are people who have seen their great grandfathers. Meanwhile, some have never talked to their parents yet I have chatted with mine for more than three decades.

    4 years ago
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  • How we use money is what brings happiness.

    4 years ago
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