Quotes by Aiko (Dreamsurfer)

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  • To avoid jealousy and covetousness, you have to believe that GOD distributes blessings differently.

    4 years ago
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  • Peace is found in your mind, you have to create and maintain it inside!

    4 years ago
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  • When Adam sinned, GOD cursed us. Even after JESUS died for us, we still feel the curses in sickness, accidents, lack, war, separation and death.

    4 years ago
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  • Losing a girlfriend to another man cracks the wall of your heart; you mend it by replacing her!

    4 years ago
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  • I will like most if not all photos of her on Facebook just to express my love.

    4 years ago
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  • Whenever people tell me not to worry, I feel like telling them not to worry about me worrying. Why worry?

    4 years ago
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  • Happiness is feeling the Presence of GOD.

    4 years ago
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  • I'm not shy, I just do not fancy unwanted attention.

    4 years ago
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  • Backbenchers get a clearer backstory of the audience.

    4 years ago
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  • Silence is a listening code.

    4 years ago
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