Even designer bags get torn and worn out. |
Sickness is like death calling your name. |
When there is a ditch in the middle of the road, you use the sidewalk. |
Texts are sexier than voice calls. |
When you hide your feelings of attraction towards someone, you are labelled a coward. When you express them without fear, you are accused of sexual harassment. |
You cannot see what is on your back. |
They told me she was conning me and playing me like a toy, but I love her regardless. Every joke must have a punchline. |
Eat like you have never vomitted, work like you have never been denied pay, love like you have never been jilted! |
If you want to stop drinking alcohol, then ask for milk at the bar! |
GOD is so good that HE turned COVID-19 into a common disease when it reached UG. |