Favorite Poems of Katrynn

  • nothing's wrong (2) 10 WIN

    by Obscure

    I slip quietly from conversations
    to taste the lonely air outside...

  • Good Morning (2) 5

    by Obscure

    His fingertips curl
    Tracing lightly over ivory...

  • your soul loses her posture as you
    hunch to type the words you failed...

  • Prison of the Mind (1) 5

    by Milly Hayward

    Your tread of love upon my heart brings light
    Though hard you fight to make me feel alright...

  • I Became the Moon (13) 19

    by Kate

    When I had no tears left to cry
    My particles disappeared into the air...

  • Flow (Senryu) 3

    by ddavidd

    Trackers never track
    until the tracking happens...

  • Happy 3

    by Lena

    It still kills me that your happy and believe me,
    I know how terrible of a thing that is it to say...

  • With measured verse, I tried to make you hear
    But meter fell to unromantic yards...

  • Here’s to hope (4) 7

    by Lena

    I hope one day, I will let the person I love, see...
    I hope one day, I will let the person I love, see...

  • Salt (1) 2

    by Lena

    It keeps on hurting, even long after you are gone...
    It still feels like a fresh wound and every...

  • Life Goes On - Senryu (4) 5

    by Walter

    Sad I sit and wait
    For a brighter future, but...

  • Where snowflakes fall and fluid flows chilled,
    across the ocean's path where the air stands...

  • Blissful. (3) 7 HM

    by Poet on the Piano

    I let the rain massage my shoulders,
    untying the knots in my back...

  • Unfixable. (1) 2

    by Poet on the Piano

    You've stood for me a
    million times, held my hand...

  • Conscience (3) 3

    by ddavidd

    You conceal your malevolence and greed
    behind the edifice of benevolent deeds...

  • Winter Tilts (3) 6

    by Sunshine

    You often flare in darkness,
    and I see you in the dim side...

  • deadcolouring. (5) 9

    by prasanna

    where the sun begins,
    and you end...

  • Real Light (9) 9

    by Ben Pickard

    The moon is out of reach despite my need
    to pull it from the space it occupies...

  • Sweet Heart (4) 5

    by Everlasting

    I feel you beating slow
    Don’t give up just yet...

  • You catch feathers
    from mid air...

  • love is the way (1) 4

    by prasanna

    you trample me with your soft fingers;
    clay in your palms – i am clay in your hands...

  • you

  • On nights like this it's not that
    I can't sleep...

  • Mirrors (1) 1

    by fakesmile

    Glasses are shattered, this mirror is broken
    kept picking up the pieces still hopin...

  • Doesn't Matter (28) 4

    by Rachel RTVW

    A child dies of cancer
    One born premature...

  • Empty Life (41) 12 WIN

    by Dennis

    When happiness is just a dream
    In memory's distant past...

  • Immigrant (4) 9

    by Sunshine

    Oceans of barricades
    and skies of fences...

  • Tonight, I hope you're clammy from writing
    Obituaries, you'll always see silhouettes of me...

  • Confession 4

    by D.

    Is there a weakness
    in caring so much...

  • Speaking in Tongues (14) 6

    by Aegis

    I wish to learn to love you in
    every alphabet...

  • Time resists to tick when you're feeling
    Isolated to the core with self loathing that...

  • Corrosion (6) 14 WIN

    by Sunshine

    You've been eating away
    at my conscience for a decade...

  • Untitled June 9, 2021 (2) 5

    by Everlasting

    I honestly just wish to sink
    in this depression of mine...

  • Ha Ha (4) 5

    by Everlasting

    hey, don’t panic
    It’s okay...

  • Fatigue 5

    by prasanna

    Wash the sins out of my ribcage with downpour,
    the monsoon cannot swell fast enough to abate...

  • Within my cage (4)

    by Beauty In The Breaking

    I stand here in this tiny cage
    with bars between me and the world...

  • it’s not